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  • Toby Webster
    Toby Webster replied to the thread Plane Fantasy.
    Oooh, I think you're putting words into my mouth. Fair to say that I don't love it, but its not black and white you know... ...oh, hang on!
  • John2
    John2 replied to the thread Plane Fantasy.
    Thanks Glen, Thanks MonoMania. The banding in the sky is there but not that obtrusive on my monitor. I went back to the original...
  • Toby Webster
    Toby Webster replied to the thread Wafer-thin DOF.
    I do, apologies to both.
  • H
    Helen Summers replied to the thread Canal Walk.
    I know not everyone is a fan of infra red photos but I seeing the ones you have posted has awakened my interest and I like these. I...
  • M
    MonoMania replied to the thread Plane Fantasy.
  • Glenn
    Glenn replied to the thread Plane Fantasy.
    I like the graphic presentation and the acute angles. I would prefer to see it at a higher resolution but you can't do that here. Some...
  • John2
    John2 replied to the thread Plane Fantasy.
    That's one for hate it then. All thoughts are welcome though. Thanks for commenting Toby.
  • F
    Flack posted the thread Canal Walk in Infra Red.
    Took my Lumix micro 4/3rds infrared Camera on this walk as the sun was nice and bright.
    • Bridge 3.jpg
    • Canal Locks 2.jpg
    • Canal Locks Bridge.jpg
    • Canal Locks Bridge2.jpg
    • Canal Locks1.jpg
    • House Bridge.jpg
  • Martin Henson
    Martin Henson replied to the thread Wafer-thin DOF.
    Thanks Toby, you mean Helen I think
  • Toby Webster
    Toby Webster replied to the thread Wafer-thin DOF.
    I too take Joanna's point about narrow dof in mono, but I don't think it applies to these at all, I think it works very well here.
  • Toby Webster
    Toby Webster replied to the thread Plane Fantasy.
    Of its genre for sure, and sort of works. However, I noticed straight away that some of the vertical lines seem to show a 'pixelly'...
  • John2
    John2 posted the thread Plane Fantasy in All Aspects.
    Love it or hate it? ;) (Click on it to view. It's a bit big but I have reduced it in size to no effect.)
    • Plane Fantasy.jpg
  • John King
    John King replied to the thread Wafer-thin DOF.
    My very 1st Reflex a Praktika 1Vb came with a Zeiss Biotar which I think is the origin of the Russian F2 and that was very good and far...
  • John King
    There is still one post by johanwill (no10 advertising estate agents)
  • Joanna Carter
    I may have quoted those posts but, as Helen noted, you can jump to wrong conclusions. I replied to the thread, not a post, because I was...