Yes a little better
Spot meter of a shadow area of choice then under expose by 2 f/stops to place them on zone 3
Developing for the highlights in the image, ideally you need to determine the scenes dynamic range , 5 stops in a perfect world, if the range extends to 6 stops the film development time needs reducing to bring the highlight density back to 5, if the range was 4 stops then over develop to bring the density to 5 , it’s called +- development , works best with single sheet film , that’s what is meant by meter shadows develop for highlights
If your using roll films then meter the shadows, then the highlights and take an average exposure from both, try to estimate the lighting conditions as flat, medium or high contrast and develop accordingly if it’s flat light under expose and over develop if it’s high contrast over expose and under develop ,this is called pushing and pulling the film, medium contrast dev as normal increase paper contrast.
You can use roll film using plus minus development, however, the lighting and DR on the scene needs to be very similar for each frame on a roll to alter dev times accordingly,
You might be aware of all this so apologies for pointing out the obvious