Toning (Digital)


Active Member
As you might recall I'm colour blind. I've a few images which might suit toning. The look I'm interested in can be seen in these examples but I can't really tell if these are platinum prints or selenium or whatever...

Bill Schwab's Gasadalur silver gelatin image (fortunate to have a print of this) -
and Leon Leijdekkers similar photo but looks to my eyes to be toned slightly different -

Btw, for web purposes I've used the Photokit method for platinum which Martin mentions here on the site and also another using Nik Color EFX Pro and Paper Toning 6 with a reduced strength of 50%.

1) Can anyone let me know what they think the toning for these images actually is?
2) I print using Epson's ABW so in terms of the colour/toning wheel can anyone advise where in the wheel I should be to achieve these.

Many thanks!
2) I print using Epson's ABW so in terms of the colour/toning wheel can anyone advise where in the wheel I should be to achieve these.

Using the ABW ton wheel is not going to be an easy task. You would be better off getting the colour right in Photoshop or what editing software you use and then printing through a colour managed workflow
Using the ABW ton wheel is not going to be an easy task. You would be better off getting the colour right in Photoshop or what editing software you use and then printing through a colour managed workflow

Thanks Ian, thats what I'll do so.
I've got quite close to Leon's version by bringing into PS and using the Copper (16) setting in SFX, leaving the temp at default 14, setting the silver tone to 40 and paper to 5. It requires the right hand side pulling in a little in Adjustment/Levels in PS. He has also applied more toning to the sky/paper than the spray from the waterfall presumably using layer masking/painting.


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You know, incidentally, that as well as having been a pupil of one Martin Henson, Leon also placed himself under the tutelage of Bill Schwab on a study course in the Faroes, which will account for the identical vantage point.

I used to be in contact with him, but have lost track of him, and he hasn't posted any new work for some years, which is concerning. As well as being a brilliant landscape photographer, his day job is that of a professional classical musician. I do hope that he is well.
Thanks Toby, thats great!. I'll take a look later in Photoshop.

Yes, you're correct Leon learnt under Martin and Bill. The two photos were probably taken on the same day. He's some really lovely work.
I don't know him but hopefully all is well with him.