As you might recall I'm colour blind. I've a few images which might suit toning. The look I'm interested in can be seen in these examples but I can't really tell if these are platinum prints or selenium or whatever...
Bill Schwab's Gasadalur silver gelatin image (fortunate to have a print of this) -
and Leon Leijdekkers similar photo but looks to my eyes to be toned slightly different -
Btw, for web purposes I've used the Photokit method for platinum which Martin mentions here on the site and also another using Nik Color EFX Pro and Paper Toning 6 with a reduced strength of 50%.
1) Can anyone let me know what they think the toning for these images actually is?
2) I print using Epson's ABW so in terms of the colour/toning wheel can anyone advise where in the wheel I should be to achieve these.
Many thanks!
Bill Schwab's Gasadalur silver gelatin image (fortunate to have a print of this) -
and Leon Leijdekkers similar photo but looks to my eyes to be toned slightly different -
Btw, for web purposes I've used the Photokit method for platinum which Martin mentions here on the site and also another using Nik Color EFX Pro and Paper Toning 6 with a reduced strength of 50%.
1) Can anyone let me know what they think the toning for these images actually is?
2) I print using Epson's ABW so in terms of the colour/toning wheel can anyone advise where in the wheel I should be to achieve these.
Many thanks!