Good method for creating triptychs in photoshop anyone?


Well-Known Member
My camera club has a triptych competition coming up and most members are Photoshop or Lightroom users. Contrarian that I am, I use affinity instead.

I am wondering if anyone could suggest an easy way to use adobe programs to frame triptychs that I can pass on without too much understanding on my part. A plugin perhaps?
Thanks Ian. It needs to be pretty basic as advanced users will find their own workflow I would think. Excuse ignorance, what is an "action"? Is that part of Photoshop or your Picture Mounts plugin please?
Excuse ignorance, what is an "action"? Is that part of Photoshop or your Picture Mounts plugin please?

A Photoshop action is like a recorder, it remembers the steps.
As you are making the layout, you can record it and then play it back later which is like an automated process.
I have done this in the past but my version of Photoshop is about 20 years old (although I still haven't mastered it!) I had a Quick Look online for you and found this it sounds similar to how I did it (I think!!) maybe it will give them a good idea of what is required.

Creating a triptych in Photoshop is straightforward! A triptych is a single image divided into three panels or three related images displayed side-by-side. Here’s a simple guide:

Step 1: Set Up Your Canvas**
1. **Open Photoshop.**
2. Go to **File > New** to create a new document.
- Set the **width** to three times the width of your desired panel size.
- Set the **height** to match your desired panel height.
- For example, for panels that are 1000 x 1500 pixels, set the canvas size to 3000 x 1500 pixels.
- Ensure the resolution is **300 DPI** for high-quality output.
3. Click **Create.**

Step 2: Add Guidelines for the Panels**
1. Go to **View > Guides > New Guide Layout.**
2. In the popup:
- Set **Columns** to 3.
- Set **Rows** to 1.
- Leave the **Gutter** at 0 unless you want space between the panels.
3. Click **OK.**
- You’ll now see guidelines dividing your canvas into three equal sections.

Step 3: Add Your Images**
1. Drag and drop your images into Photoshop or go to **File > Place Embedded** to add images.
2. Use the **Move Tool (V)** to position each image into one of the sections.
- Resize the images if needed by pressing **Ctrl + T** (Windows) or **Cmd + T** (Mac).
- Hold **Shift** while resizing to maintain proportions.

Step 4: Adjust and Crop Images**
1. Use **Layer Masks** to hide parts of the image that extend beyond a section:
- Select the image layer.
- Click the **Add Layer Mask** icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.
- Use a black brush to paint over areas you want to hide outside the panel.
2. Repeat for each section until the images fit neatly within the guides.

Step 5: Add Borders (Optional)**
1. If you want space between the panels:
- Go to **Image > Canvas Size.**
- Increase the canvas width slightly (e.g., add 100 pixels).
- Use the Paint Bucket Tool to fill the background with a solid color.

Step 6: Save Your Triptych**
1. Go to **File > Save As** and save the project as a **PSD** to preserve layers.
2. To export:
- Go to **File > Export > Export As.**
- Save the file as a **JPEG** or **PNG** for sharing or printing.