Downloading from a memory card.

John King

Well-Known Member
A few months ago I asked Ian about a problem I had with images which had been previously saved on a memory stick but now I wanted to send them to the pictures file. Ian gave me a couple of tips but I confess I never used them.

Now when I connect a memory card to the computer using a card reader it refuses to download. I can access the card by going to >'This computer' and clicking on the tab with the memory card and work on it from there. I can also the send the card contents complete to my external HD. Why does it not download automatically as it used to. It is the same on both my laptop and desktop devices and with both Compact flash and SD cards used via different card readers.

Is it something that a Windows or Photoshop update may have been responsible for? I can live with it but I would prefer it to be as it was originally.
Not exactly sure what you mean and I don't have anything that sounds the same. Sorry not my field of expertise.
Not exactly sure what you mean and I don't have anything that sounds the same. Sorry not my field of expertise.
John, one of the updates that windows issued was for security purposes which requires you to access storage devices as an Administrator, this sounds like your problem.
  • You have to make sure that you are logged into your PC as the main Administrator.
  • You can also access the files on your storage device as an Administrator
Rather than me getting and fro-ing just google the problem and run a check disk on the card.
You could take the card to another older PC and check access from there. For many years i ran a tech support line for the telecoms industry where cards were used for back up's for very complexed programming along with no longer available license strings and numbers and this issue would raise its head quite often.

It is frustrating i know but a solvable problem...let us know how you get on...
Prior to this, when I connected a card reader with a memory card inserted, after a few seconds, dialog boxes would appear asking me what I wanted to do with the contents of the card. After my instructions to download, the card would download automatically to place a folder into the 'pictures' section. Now it does absolutely nothing, no dialog box appears and I have to do it manually. That is not difficult, but I wonder why it should suddenly happen on both computers. This leads me to think that one of the recent Windows10 updates has tripped an auto function into manual mode.
Thanks Ian.

I have now done that - but I have no new images to try at the moment. Anyway the auto play has hopefully been sorted and will work.

I did not know that existed so why/how would it disable itself, could it be a Windows 10 download as I suggested?
That's a pain in the you know where.

Anyway I have just tested it with a card and it's now working fine, actually quite a bit faster than before.